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A Quick Word From Our Leader

Your generous donations help FOCIS Counseling Services provide accessible, high-quality mental health care to Oklahoma City. By supporting our mission, you empower individuals and families to overcome life's challenges and achieve emotional well-being.

2014 Performance Indicator Outcomes

HR Team

Performance Indicator Outcomes 2014

1. The goal of 60% of intakes will be scheduled within 2 weeks after receiving referral was met. The results collected from the 111 clients admitted in 2014 showed that 77% of intakes were completed within 2 weeks after receiving the referral. The results indicated that the average number of days between referral and intake were 12 days.

a. The agency will provide the Clinical Director with the referral and the intake will then be scheduled.

b. The agency will inform the clinicians in training to provide referrals to the Clinical Director within 1 week of receiving the referral.

2. The goal of 90% of clients report that their needs are being met was met. The results collected from 89 clients and stakeholders indicated that 100% stated that their needs are being met.

a. The agency will continue to train therapists, case managers, and rehab specialists on the importance of meeting the client's needs and determining the client's needs.

3. The goal of removing barriers found and identifying any new barriers was met. The results collected from 81 clients and stakeholders indicated that 100% had no barriers. The results were also collected from 7 staff and 10 contractors. The results from staff indicated that 1 staff member had a barrier: she reported that she had experienced attitudinal barriers and communication barriers due to staff members communication concerns with others not with supervisor, which causes dissension. The results from contractors indicated that 1 contractor had a barrier: he/she reported that he/she had experienced attitudinal barriers due to the client/parent not understanding therapy; 2 contractors had a barrier: he/she reported that he/she had experienced transportation barriers; 1 contractor had a barrier: he/she reported that managemet has not been accessible and available to contractors.

a. The agency will inform staff, managemet, and contractors of barriers and ways to remove barriers.

4. The goal of 95% of client's report that they were informed of services offered and grievace policies at intake was met. The results collected from 90 clients and stakeholders indicated that 100% reported that they were informed of services offered at intake and 100% reported that they were informed of grievance policies at intake.

a. The agency will continue to provide training for staff and contractors about proper intake procedures and informing clients of services offered and grievance policies.

5. The goal of 95% of assessment interpretive summaries being written in detail was met. The results collected from 111 clients admitted in 2014 showed that 96% of the assessments had detailed interpretive summaries.

a. The agency will continue to train staff and therapists who conduct assessments on how to write detailed interpretive summaries.

6. The goal of 95% if treatment plans will be completed within 30 days from intake was met. The results colleted from 112 initial treatment plans in 2014 showed that 100% of the treatment plans were completed within 30 days from the intake. The results indicated that the average number of days between intake and treatment plan were 3 days.

a. The agency will continue to train staff and therapists to complete the treatment plans within 30 days of finishing the assessment.

7. The goal of 90% of treatment plan updates will be completed within 180 days of the previous treatment plan approval date was met. The results collected from 208 treatment plan updates completed in 2014 showed that 90% of the treatment plan updates were completed within 180 days of the previous treatment plan. The average number of days late was 1.

a. The agency will continue to train staff and therapists to complete the treatment plan updates within 180 days of the previous treatment plan.

b. The agency prints a report at least 2 months before the updates need to be completed and the executive team is given copies.

8. The goal that 90% of clients will be satisfied with services provided was met. The results collected from 363 clients and stakeholders surveyed indicated that 100% were satisfied.

a. The agency will provide training regarding person-centered practice and unique needs of person served to meet clients goals.

9.The goal that 90% of clients will have a decrease in number of symptoms was met. The results collected from 90 clients and stakeholders indicated that 100% perceived a decrease in number of symptoms.

a. The agency will provide training regarding promoting wellness of persons served.

b. The agency will provide training unique needs of person served.

10. The goal that 90% of clients will have improvement in employment status or school functioning was met. The results collected from 22 clients and stakeholders surveyed indicated that 100% had improvement in employment status and 67 clients and stakeholders surveyed indicated 100% had improvement in school functioning.

a. The agency will provide training regarding person-centered practice and unique needs of person served.

11. The goal that 87% of clients will have a derease in number of disciplinary actions was met. The results colleted from 86 clients and stakeholders surveyed indicated that 100% had a decrease in number of disciplinarey actions.

a. The agency will provide training regarding promoting wellness of person served.

b. The agency will provide training regarding person-centered practice.

12. The goal that 90% of clients and stakeholders surveyed indicated that 100% had a decrease in use of substances.

a. The agency will provide training regarding promoting wellness of persons served.

13. The goal of 30% of contractors will attend training events held by the agency was not met and 90% of employees will attend training events held by the agency was not met. The results collected from the training throughout the year indicated that 22% of contractors attended the training events. The results collected also indicated that 88% of employees attended the training events.

a. The agency will continue to notify employees and contractors by phone and e-mail of upcoming trainings.

b. The agency will continue to email employees and contractors that are unable to attend trainings the material and test forms along with the meeting minutes.

c. The agency will continue to provide incentives to contractors that attend monthly meetings.

14. The goal of 100% of employees unable to attend will receive information on training events and staff meetings were met. The results collected from the trainings throughout the year indicated that 100% of employees received information on training events and staff meetings. The results also indicated that 100% of contractors received information on training events and staff meetings.

a.The agency will continue to email the end of the month meeting minutes and training information to the employees and contractors who were unable to attent the meetings

b. The agency will continue to put the end of the month meeting minutes and training information in the boxes of the employees and contractors who were unable to attend the meetings.

15. The goal that 90% of employees and contractors will be trained in CPR and First Aid within 30 days of employment and contract was met. The results collected from the 3 new employees hired in 2014 indicated that 100% were trained in CPR and First Aid

within 30 days of signing contracts. The results collected from the 3 new contractors that started in 2014 indicated that 100% were trained in CPR and First Aid within 30 days of signing contracts.

goal that 92% of employees and contractors will

be satisfied with their employment was met.

The results collected from 7 employees indicated that 98% were

satisfied. The results collected from 10

contractors indicated that 99% were satisfied.

The results from staff indicated that 2 surveyors reported that his/her

salary or pay was not competitive with similar jobs she might find elsewhere; 1

reported that training was not received to do her job well; 1 reported that her

manager was not always treating her with respect. The results from contractors indicated that 1

reported that his/her compensation is not competitive with similar jobs that

they might find elsewhere; 1 reported that teamwork is not encouraged and

practiced in this organization; 1 reported that there is not a strong feeling

of teamwork/coop. in this organization.

a. The agency will continue to inform all new employees and contractors the importance of being trained in CPR and First Aid within the first 30 days of hire or contract.

16.The goal that no more than two critical incidents was met and zero physical injuries was not met. The results collected showed that there were 3 critical incidents and 2 physical injuries. One incident included a contractor being rear ended while with a client but no physical injuries were reported. Another incident included an employee bending over in a chair to get files, she slipped and hit her chin on desk. Another incident included a contractor being bitten on ankle by client's dog.

a. The agency will continue to provide training regading reporting abuse and reporting critical incident reports within 24 hours of the incident to the agency and other appropriate reporting sites.

b. The agency will continue to provide training on ways to reduce the possibility of critical incidents.

c. The agency created a training regarding vehicle safety.

d. The agency will create a training regarding in home safety for employees and contractors providing services.

17. The goal that 92% of employees and contractors will be satisfied with their employment was met. The results collected from 7 employees indicated that 98% were satisfied. The results collected from 10 contractors indicated that 99% were satisfied. The results from staff indicated that 2 surveyors reported that his/her salary or pay was not competitive with similar jobs she might find elsewhere; 1 reported that training was not received to do her job well; 1 reported that her manager was not always treating her with respect. The results from contractors indicated that 1 reported that his/her compensation is not competitive with similar jobs that they might find elsewhere; 1 reported that teamwork is not encouraged and practiced in this organization; 1 reported that there is not a strong feeling of teamwork/coop. in this organization.

a. The agency will continue to compare salaries for positions to similar positions within the state based on education level and knowledge on a state website to dermine pay range.

b. The agency encourages the employees to attent trainings and allows employees the time off to attend trainings.

c. The agency will continue to compare compensation for contractors to other agencies compensation to determine rates.

d. Management conducts yearly performance reviews and quarterly reviews with each staff member. Management conducts 90 day reviews with new hired employees and new contractors. Management conducts yearly performance reveiws for each contractor and will begin semiannual reviews for contractors.

e. The agency sends emails to invite staff and contractors to end of the month meeting and when individuals are unabe to attend an e-mail is sent out with the meeting minutes and training information. The meeting minutes and trainings are kept in the office that everyone has access to view.

18. No more than 35% of employee turnover was met and no more than 35% of contractor tunover was met. The results indicated that there was 11% employee turnover and 24% contractor turnover.

a. The agency will continue to be more thorough in the interviewing process.

b. The agency will contunue to provide a thorough training process to ensure that new employees and contractors understand the agency's expectations.

c. The agency will continue to give incentives to encourage employees and contractors to stay with the agency.

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